Our range of smart products and modular solutions have been created to save your time and effort and bring you a pleasure of the finished work. You do not have to think about it at all, just order our smart solution, unwrap the package and assemble or place wherever you need it. A possible assembly can be done by anyone with a minimum of tools. Everything is prepared by us, formatted, with pre-drilled main openings and necessary joining material. Many of our modular boxes currently include benches, composters, strawberries, sandboxes and tall flowerbeds.
The garden bathtub needs o assembly, it is ready for use in your garden.
Traplast™ material is resistant to weather elements and the benches or other winter products need no storing while reliably serving all year round without the need for strenuous maintenance.
More information about the Traplast™ material can be found here.
Before installation, read the Traplast™ working guidelines here.
Strawberry pyramid 2x2x1m five-storey
Price Incl. Tax €181.04 Price Excl. Tax €149.62Ask for availability
SKU: 99560